Empire total war map modding
Empire total war map modding

There is also Yuan Bo the Jade Dragon who rules the Central Provinces, Yin-Yin the Sea Dragon who rules the Eastern Provinces, and Li Dao the Fire Dragon who rules the Southern Provinces. He guards the city of Shang-Yang which is located in the Warpstone Desert, and the dangerous Ivory Road, which trade caravans travel west to reach the Old World. There is also Zhao Ming, the Iron Dragon, ruler of the Western Provinces. The strongest of the sons and daughters of the Emperor and Empress is Miao Ying, the Storm Dragon, ruler of the Northern Provinces, who is charged with defending the Great Bastion and the city of Nan-Gau. In some Cathay's trading cities, there is populations of foreigners from Tilea, Estalia, The Empire and even High Elves and Dwarfs.

empire total war map modding

The common people of Cathay are humans, with smaller populations of Monkey-Warriors. In practice, these two spend most of their time in the Imperial Court, and leave governing of the empire to their sons and daughters. In principle, Grand Cathay is ruled by the Celestial Dragon Emperor and Moon Empress, who are revered by the populace. The rulers of Cathay are a family of immortal dragons who are powerful spellcasters, and can shapeshift into human form. Because of this isolation, Grand Cathay long ago constructed the Great Bastion, a huge fortification along their northern border which guards against incursions by Hobgoblins as well as marauding bands of Hung, Kurgan and other forces of Chaos. Contact and trade with the High Elves and human nations of the Old World has increased in recent times, but travel between east and west is still dangerous. However, they are also located far from other order-aligned nations, and tend to be somewhat isolationist. Grand Cathay is a powerful nation of order that stands against Chaos. Grand Cathay itself is a huge and diverse country, with desert in the west, mighty rivers and farmland in the center, great coastal cities in the east, and forested mountain foothills in the south. Southwest, across the Mountains of Heaven, lies the land of Ind. Located in the Far East, Grand Cathay is bordered to the west by the Mountains of Mourn, to the east by the Far Sea, to the south by Khuresh and to the north by the Eastern Steppes and Chaos Wastes. Grand Cathay is the largest empire in the Warhammer Fantasy setting.

empire total war map modding

Generally a defensive, less mobile army vulnerable to flanking.Legions of weaker, cheaper human troops backed up by a diverse roster of stronger elite troops, Long Ma riders, huge Terracotta Sentinel constructs, War Balloons, gunpowder artillery and dragon leaders.

empire total war map modding

  • Battle Harmony: In battle, each unit is aligned with either Yin or Yang, and gain buffs when near an opposite-aligned unit.
  • The Great Bastion: This mighty fortification will come under attack, but building it up will confer great benefits.
  • The greatest benefits are gained from keeping the meter balanced in the center.
  • Harmony: Each action taken pushes the Harmony meter towards either Yin or Yang.
  • Wu-Xing Compass: Use the magical Wu-Xing Compass to direct the Winds of Magic across the land, providing faction-wide benefits.
  • Caravans will also face dilemmas that might enhance their rewards or destroy them.
  • The Ivory Road: Cathayan factions can send trade caravans west along the Ivory Road to the Old World, to gain income.

  • Empire total war map modding